第12章 童话
书名:银河笔记作者名:Eisa本章字数:2113更新时间:2023-10-03 15:03:11
第12章 童话
Slow, slow the Wheels
“They’re faster than us.”The little boy cat said to his Mum.
“If you want to hold it back to our circle, you need to die for this.”
“No, I am not going to die for anything.” The boy was shaking his head.
“In that case, I will do it. “ Mum said maybe also to herself with no emotional turmoil.
“Harney, the vehicle will do more harm to us if we could not stop the wheels. “
“Who cares, I just want my lunch and supper per day, Mum. That’s not too much, you know.“
“Yes, but we are CAT. ” Mum was teaching her little son a lesson.
“We’re all angels from heaven, remember? I know that it used to be the bird, but they fail to be with human, right?”
“Er…seem like that.”
“It’s our turns to show the kindness of God.” Mum said, raising her chin with no anger or sorrow.
“No, Mum, you make me confused! How could it be? It’s not kindness to hurt or being hurt.”
“The man-mades need a soul.” Mum smiles to her love son.
“A soul?”
“Yeah, like what in you or me.”
“But only the God can make it in, isn’t it?”
“Yes, my little. After my death, you can be it.”
“No, I can not.” The cat boy was shouting to his mother anxiously.
“Don’t be kidding me, Mum. We’re normal and live normal, so that we don’t have to do anything unnormal, right? Have you forgotten what my grandmother said to us before she died?”
“I’m more than happy to have you remember her saying.”
“Why not you?”
“It’s my turn now, I give my word to you my dear son, what you say after my death will be definite truth. ”
“Ok, I’ll say, be with me.” The boy said with a playful smile.
“Whatever you say from your heart will be true.”
“Mum, I know you have been worn out because of the frequent death of the cats under the wheels. Maybe, you just need to take it easy and forget all those — so called responsibilities.”
The mother cat seemed not listening to her son, actually, she fell to the darkness of those loss——she didn’t tell her son, not all the cats can go to heaven, most of them stay in the darkness, until someone recognizes them and take them back to. Now she is willing to be the guide.
At first, she has to be a ghost.
And happenings after will depends on her son’s own decision.
For three weeks, the mother cat lie under the wheels waiting for her big day, full of courage and fears. The emotional conflict makes her pain and almost ready to quite. But she feel shame, recalling those little one’s face, so she insists.
By the end of the fifth week, a very little cat is hiding himself under the back left wheel when the mother cat sees the car is starting the engine.
“No-go——” The mother cat charges towards him and drives him away from the car wheel and replace with her own body.
The car could not discover the accident as usual.
Clattering… Mother cat provides a bigger “Stone” to the human to roll over.
“Mum——”The cat boy screams from his heart.
“Don’t go, wherever…heaven or hell.” The boy is getting clear about the life, comes and goes.
Please stay with us. The boy makes his decision.
Mother is smiling softly and gently, floating in the empty.
“you told me that the vehicles should be back to the circle, so please be their sole, mother.
The boy is growing up when he gives this blessing.
Yes, he is the God, mainstay.
原文写了1700多字,为了凑足一章,写了引文,措辞介于童话和写实之间,算是过渡。我猜美好的童话在它产生的时候,写作的人的心情都不太美好,甚至还可以说有些恶劣。希望因为童话的产生,使世界变得纯洁。这篇故事不止是在所谓地“吐槽”人们发动汽车不检查“夹带”问题的现状,而且试着猜测了猫咪“明知山有虎却向虎山行”的心理活动。万物有灵,是句“take it for granted”的类真理。现在可能不是这样,于是我们通过童话的渲染,终于知道一个有灵生物体是如何串联新的生命,使灵,如同神经网络,经过那个人为的“身体”——汽车。