5个回答2023-12-16 08:16
1个回答2024-01-13 20:23
在一片宽广的草原上 一条清澈的河流旁 蓝天白云下的部落显得格外兴旺。 我似乎又看到: 这片逐渐被占领的草原上 这条不再清澈的河流旁 夕阳笼罩下的部落格外凄凉 曾经为了部落奋力拼杀的勇士 跪拜在占领自己家乡的文明前咏唱 他无法挽昌数回 他曾经绝望 他在呐喊 他在悲伤 他的部落经则迅段历了风霜雨雪 经历了虎豹豺狼 却没挺到文明指引的前方 他在期望 这不是幻想 他要用自己微不足道的力量 唤醒部落的曾经的记忆和辉煌 伟大的勇士不会孤单的活着 陪伴他的还有记忆中部落的族人 曾经的辉煌 哪怕它正在被遗忘 他像个小孩子一样的坚信不移孙誉 因为 那里有他的家乡
1个回答2023-10-28 07:16
Chu go-getters, moye couples to two, to the sword, three years before the cast. He is very angry, want to kill him_ There are male and female sword handle. When the wife is pregnant fast production, her husband said to her:" I give the swords, three years before he succeeded. The king was angry, I must be killed. The kids you if you are male, older, told him: ' a real look at Nanshan, pine trees grow on the stone, the sword on the back of it. ' He took the female sword to see the king. The king was very angry, call a person to look carefully. Check the sword person said: "the sword has two, a female to male, female sword brought, brought no hero sword." The king was angry, the will to kill. Moye birth a son named red. Later, asked his mother:" where my father?" Mother said:" your father gave the sword, three years before he succeeded. The king was angry, and killed him_ He was asked:" I tell you a real look at Nanshan, pine trees grow on the stone, the sword in the back of it." His son out of the house, looking to the south mountain, I saw in front of the hall there is a sword of stone pine pillars, with axe down behind it, get the hero sword, sooner or later to find the king of Chu. He dreamed of a man, his brow broad, about a foot wide, said to have revenge. The daughter of rewards for suspension. Red hears about it, he fled into the mountains, the elegy. Meet a knight, said:" you are young, you cry so sad?" red said: "I am the son of go-getters, moye. He killed my father, I want to revenge!" The knight said:" I heard Chu to daughter rewards purchase your head, please take your head and sword are delivered to me, my revenge for you." Red said: "too good!" Then the Dutch act, both hands holding a sword head and body was stiff, place. The knight said:" I will never betray you!" Thus, the body to fall. The knight carrying a red head to see the king. He was very happy. The knight said: "this is the warrior's head, should use big stockpot cook." According to his words, the king of chu. Three days and nights bad cook, head out of the soup pot, staring eyes full of anger. The knight said:" the child's head cooking is not bad, please the king personally to the edge of the pan to look, you can cook." The king immediately close look, the knight with his sword at the king of Chu, Chu 's head fell into the soup; knight also cut off his head, the head also fell into the soup. Three heads are cooked, unable to distinguish. Then put the broth into three buried, generically called the" three kings tomb". Now this tomb in Ru'nan County of North Yichun county.
2个回答2023-10-28 08:13
Chu go-getters, moye couples to two, to the sword, three years before the cast. He is very angry, want to kill him_ There are male and female sword handle. When the wife is pregnant fast production, her husband said to her:" I give the swords, three years before he succeeded. The king was angry, I must be killed. The kids you if you are male, older, told him: ' a real look at Nanshan, pine trees grow on the stone, the sword on the back of it. ' He took the female sword to see the king. The king was very angry, call a person to look carefully. Check the sword person said: "the sword has two, a female to male, female sword brought, brought no hero sword." The king was angry, the will to kill. Moye birth a son named red. Later, asked his mother:" where my father?" Mother said:" your father gave the sword, three years before he succeeded. The king was angry, and killed him_ He was asked:" I tell you a real look at Nanshan, pine trees grow on the stone, the sword in the back of it." His son out of the house, looking to the south mountain, I saw in front of the hall there is a sword of stone pine pillars, with axe down behind it, get the hero sword, sooner or later to find the king of Chu. He dreamed of a man, his brow broad, about a foot wide, said to have revenge. The daughter of rewards for suspension. Red hears about it, he fled into the mountains, the elegy. Meet a knight, said:" you are young, you cry so sad?" red said: "I am the son of go-getters, moye. He killed my father, I want to revenge!" The knight said:" I heard Chu to daughter rewards purchase your head, please take your head and sword are delivered to me, my revenge for you." Red said: "too good!" Then the Dutch act, both hands holding a sword head and body was stiff, place. The knight said:" I will never betray you!" Thus, the body to fall. The knight carrying a red head to see the king. He was very happy. The knight said: "this is the warrior's head, should use big stockpot cook." According to his words, the king of chu. Three days and nights bad cook, head out of the soup pot, staring eyes full of anger. The knight said:" the child's head cooking is not bad, please the king personally to the edge of the pan to look, you can cook." The king immediately close look, the knight with his sword at the king of Chu, Chu 's head fell into the soup; knight also cut off his head, the head also fell into the soup. Three heads are cooked, unable to distinguish. Then put the broth into three buried, generically called the" three kings tomb". Now this tomb in Ru'nan County of North Yichun county.