2023-10-29 23:07
“Don't Be Cruel” 翻唱亩老自猫王的老歌,由 Everlife 重新诠释答案补充
you know i can be found,sitting home all alone,if you can't come around,at least please telephone.don't be cruel to a heart that's true.baby, if i made you mad for something i might have said,please, let's forget the past,the future looks bright ahead,don't be cruel to a heart that's true.i'll want no other love,baby it's just you i'm thinking of.don't stop thinking of me,don't make me feel this way,come on over here and love me,you know what i want you to say.答案don't be cruel to a heart that's true.why should we be apart?i really love you baby, cross my heart.let's walk up to the preacher and let us say i do,then you'll know you'll have me,and i'll know that i'll have you,don't be cruel to a heart that's true.i 'll want no other love,baby it's just you i'm thinking of.don't be cruel to a heart that's true.don't be cruel to a heart that's true.i'胡手ll want no other love,baby it's just you i'm thinking of.
又一个美国摇滚女子团体出现了,她们是Amber Ross(22岁)Sarah Ross(20岁)Julia Ross(17岁)三姐妹.从小的时候起,Ross三姐妹就对音乐产生了浓厚的兴趣,并尝试写作.后来为了坚持音乐梦想从Indiana搬到了Nashville.在这里开始了她们新的音乐历程。很快她们的才华被Disney公司挖掘.在2004年8月,三姐妹以名字Everlife整装出发,发行了第一张同名专辑,然而在这之前她们已经有了4首单曲登上了Disney音乐榜单前30!实在是很值得欣喜的成绩!
2007年,Everlife迎来了她们难得的机会---与制作人Matthew Gerrard("Breakaway"Kelly Clarkson) "Why not"(Hilary Duff),Jamie Houston (Santana, High School Musical)合作新专辑!这张充满Pop Rock风格的专辑已在2007年2月20日发行!
我真的好喜欢女生pop rock,知道Everlife我很高兴,因为我只喜欢女生摇滚..这张专辑里出现了一首大家很熟悉的歌曲"I could get used to this",喜欢女生摇滚的朋友应该知道了,在澳迅做升洲姐妹组合"The veronicas"的"The secret life of"专辑里也演绎了同一首作品,两个作品两种风格!因为是Everlife是Disney
旗下的艺人,所以她们和Hannah Montana,The Cheetah Girls 都是很好的朋友!大家快听听吧,可爱的女生摇滚音乐,Rock你的耳朵啦.
you know i can be found,sitting home all alone,if you can't come around,at least please telephone.don't be cruel to a heart that's true.baby, if i made you mad for something i might have said,please, let's forget the past,the future looks bright ahead,don't be cruel to a heart that's true.i'll want no other love,baby it's just you i'm thinking of.don't stop thinking of me,don't make me feel this way,come on over here and love me,you know what i want you to say.答案don't be cruel to a heart that's true.why should we be apart?i really love you baby, cross my heart.let's walk up to the preacher and let us say i do,then you'll know you'll have me,and i'll know that i'll have you,don't be cruel to a heart that's true.i 'll want no other love,baby it's just you i'm thinking of.don't be cruel to a heart that's true.don't be cruel to a heart that's true.i'胡手ll want no other love,baby it's just you i'm thinking of.
又一个美国摇滚女子团体出现了,她们是Amber Ross(22岁)Sarah Ross(20岁)Julia Ross(17岁)三姐妹.从小的时候起,Ross三姐妹就对音乐产生了浓厚的兴趣,并尝试写作.后来为了坚持音乐梦想从Indiana搬到了Nashville.在这里开始了她们新的音乐历程。很快她们的才华被Disney公司挖掘.在2004年8月,三姐妹以名字Everlife整装出发,发行了第一张同名专辑,然而在这之前她们已经有了4首单曲登上了Disney音乐榜单前30!实在是很值得欣喜的成绩!
2007年,Everlife迎来了她们难得的机会---与制作人Matthew Gerrard("Breakaway"Kelly Clarkson) "Why not"(Hilary Duff),Jamie Houston (Santana, High School Musical)合作新专辑!这张充满Pop Rock风格的专辑已在2007年2月20日发行!
我真的好喜欢女生pop rock,知道Everlife我很高兴,因为我只喜欢女生摇滚..这张专辑里出现了一首大家很熟悉的歌曲"I could get used to this",喜欢女生摇滚的朋友应该知道了,在澳迅做升洲姐妹组合"The veronicas"的"The secret life of"专辑里也演绎了同一首作品,两个作品两种风格!因为是Everlife是Disney
旗下的艺人,所以她们和Hannah Montana,The Cheetah Girls 都是很好的朋友!大家快听听吧,可爱的女生摇滚音乐,Rock你的耳朵啦.
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